
12月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

Travel Phrases at a Restaurant Part 3

Useful phrases at a Japanese restaurant PART 3 ~ Receiving foods you ordered ~ 😀  大変お待たせいたしました。 (taìhèn òmàtàsè ìtàshìmàsh(i)ta) : Thank you for waiting for a very long time.  😀 豚カツをご注文のお客様? (tònkàtsù wò gochùùmòn nò okyàk(u)sàma) : A customer/ Who / Which of you ordered Tonkatsu?  👫 あちらに。 (achìrà nì):  For her.  OR 👫   はい、私です。 (hài, watàshì desu)  :  it’s for me.  😀 と、こちら天丼でございます。 (tò, kochìrà tèndòn dè gozàìmàs(u) ) : And, here’s a Tendon. 😀 ご注文の品は全てお揃いでしょうか? (gochùùmòn nò shìnà wa sùbete osòròì dèshòu ka) : Are your orders all here?/ The plates ordered are all completed? 👫 はい、大丈夫です。 (hài, daìjòubu des(u) ) : Yes, it’s all good.  😀 では、こちら伝票でございます。 (dèwa, kochìrà dèn(m)pyòù dè gòzàìmàs(u) ) : Then, here’s the bill.  😀ごゆっくりどうぞ。 (goyùkkùri douzò) : Have a great time/ Relax yourself please.  <Vocabularies> ... 大変(taìhèn): terrible, hard, an emphasis for a big amount ... お待たせいたしました(o màtàsè ìtàshìmàsh(i)ta ): Thank you for waiting  ...豚カツ(tònkàtsù): fried pork ... ご注文 (goch

Voice Pitch in Japanese

If you've learnt some other Asian languages such as Chinese or Thai, they have a very strict rule in voice pitch, and you'll get different word when you get a wrong pitch.  Unlike those languages,  we barely have 2-3 accents that most foreigners don’t even recognise they are the accents (as they are too weak to be recognised!).  However, if you aim to sound fluent like natives or have a smooth conversation with natives, it's great if you get a correct voice pitch so people will understand easily.  —————— *** Accents are shown as the dot on vowels. These are used to visually show you how the voice should go. These indications are NOT related to any of the official exams at all.  ——————- Accent 1: keep your voice still, relatively lower. { shown with no accents }  Accent 2: make your voice higher than the previous/ usual voice. { shown with an accent }   Accent 3: make your voice higher than the previous higher voice, often seen on the combined words { shown with an acc

Travel Phrases at a restaurant Part 2

 Useful phrases at a restaurant Part 2! 👫すみません (sumìmàsèn) : Excuse me.  😀少々お待ちください。 (shòu shou omàch(i)kùdàsài) : Please wait for a moment.  OR 😀はい、ご注文お伺いいたします。 (hài, gochùùmòn oùkàgàì ìtàshìmàs(u) ) : Yes, I (am ready to) take (your) orders.  👫これを1つと、これを1つお願いします。 (korè wò h(i)tòts(u) to, korè wò h(i)tòts(u) onègàì shìmàs(u) ) : (We’ll get) this one and this one please.  😀かしこまりました。 (kash(i)kòmàrìmàsh(i)ta) : Certainly/ Of course.  😀以上でよろしいですか? (ìjou de yoròshìi des(u)kà?) : Is that all?  👫はい、それでお願いします。 (hài, sorèdè onègàì shìmàs(u) ) : Yes, thank you (so please pass the orders).  <<Vocabularies>> ...少々(shòu shou): a bit, for a little while ... お待ちください (omàch(i)kùdàsài): “Please wait” (formal way) ... はい(hài): yes (formal way) ... ご注文(go chùù mòn): order (formal way) ... お伺い(o ùkàgà ì): asking ( formal way ) ... これ(korè): this one ... 1つ (h(i)tò tsu): one thing ... お願いします(onègàì shìmàs(u) ): Please ~.  ... 以上(ìjou): That’s all/ above ... よろしい(yoròshìi): “good” (forma

Pronounce like Natives! ~Silent Vowels~

The most well-known Silent Vowel is the U in ~です(desu) pronounced as DES. You might have heard more of these kinds of missing vowels in  conversations, so let’s see how they work! ——— *The rule changes depending on the regions/ dialects. ———  Basically, those vowels that become silent are “I” and “U” with particular consonants. KI and KU before K, S, T/CH, H, F, and P. 聞く(k(i) kù): to listen to, ask 臭い(k(u)sà i): smelly 汚い(k(i)tànà i): dirty 基本(k(i) hòń): basic, s tandard 楽譜(gak(u) fù): music sheet   SHI and SU before K, S, T/CH, H, F, and P. スキー(s(u)kìi): skiing 悲しさ (kanà sh(ì)sa): sadness 明日(ash(ì)tà): tomorrow 支払い(sh(i) hàrà ì): payment  スプレー(s(u)pùree): spray    JI and ZU before K, S, T/CH, H, F, and P.  政治家(seì j(ì) kà): politician 静か(shìz(u) ka): quiet, calm 相槌(aì z(ù)chì): short responses in conversations  元日(gań j(ì)tsù): the first day of a year   CHI and TSU before K, S, T/CH, H, F, and P. 近い (ch(i)kà i): close, near  月(ts(u)kì): moon, month  錬金