Animals in Japanese

 << 動物(doù bùtsù): animals >> 

🐍  へび/蛇(hèbi): snake
🐬  いるか/海豚* (irùkà): dolphin 
🐱  ねこ/猫 (nèko): cat
🐊  わに/鰐* (wàni): alligator, crocodile 
🐻  くま/熊 (kùma): bear
🐶  いぬ/犬 (inù): dog
🐤  あひる/家鴨* (ahìrù): duck
🐿  りす/栗鼠* (rìsu): squirrel
🐮  うし/牛 (ushì): cow
⚒  もぐら/土竜* (mogùrà): mole
🐷  ぶた/豚 (butà): pig
⭐︎  せいうち(seìùchì): walrus 

.....Kanji with *: not commonly used for daily conversations. 

<Examples with animal names>
🐍  蛇に噛まれた!
(hèbi ni kamàreta)
: (I) got bitten by a snake! 
... 噛まれた(kamàreta): past passive form of 噛む(kàmu): to bite

🐬  イルカショーが一番楽しみです。
(irùkà shoo ga ichìbàn tànòshìmi des(u) )
: (I’m) looking forward to watching the dolphin show the most. 
... イルカショー(irùkà shoo): dolphin show
... 一番(ichìban): No.1/ the most
... 楽しみ(tanòshìmi): something that makes you excited
... です(dèsu): polite form of だ(da) : to be

🐱  猫派ですか?犬派ですか?
(nekòhà dès(u)kà? ikùhà dès(u)kà?)
: Are (you) a cat lover? A dog lover? 
...~派(ha): ~lover (when choosing between two or more)
... か(ka): an ending word to make a question

🐊  ここら辺はワニが出るから、注意してね。
(kokòràhèn wa wàni ga dèru kara, chùui sh(i)te nè)
: (In) this area crocodiles/alligators appear, so be careful. 
... ここら辺(kokòràhèn): around here
... 出る(dèru): to come out/ go out/ appear
... ~から(kara): because~/ since~/ as~/ so~
... 注意(chùui): attention
... して(sh(i)te): TE form of する(surù): to do
... ね(ne): an ending word for an emphasis

 🐶  犬に癒される。
(inù ni iyàsàrèru)
: (I/ To) get healed/relaxed by dogs. 
... 癒される(iyàsàrèru): passive form of 癒す(iyàsu): to heal mentally

🐤  あひるの親子が湖で泳いでる。
(ahìrù nò òyako ga mizùumi dè oyòideru)
: A duck family is swimming on the lake. 
...親子(òyako): parents and their kids
... 湖(mizùumi): lake
... 泳いでる(oyòideru): abbreviated continuous form of 泳ぐ(oyògu): to swim

🐿  リスを飼いたい。
(rìsu wo kaìtài)
: (I) want to have a squirrel (as a pet). 
... 飼いたい(kaìtài): Want-to form of 飼う (kau) : to have (an animal) as a pet

🐮  和牛は日本の牛のことです。
(wagyùu wà nihòn nò ùshì nò kòtò des(u) )
: Wagyu is/means/is made from Japanese cows. 
... 日本(nihòn): Japan
... こと(kotò): thing

Hope you learnt a loooot of vocabularies today! Happy learning!



Voice Pitch in Japanese

Travel Phrases at a restaurant Part 2

Pronounce like Natives! ~Silent Vowels~