Counter 歩 (ho) : steps


Counter: 歩 (ho)

Things to count: steps

What is Counter?
... A word to specify features of the thing you count. 

How many: 何歩 (nán po)
Number of... : 歩数(ho súu)
Few/Some: 数歩(súu ho)、何歩か(nán po ka)

1歩 (íp po)
2歩 (ní ho)
3歩 (sán po)
4歩 (yón ho)
5歩 (gó ho)
6歩 (róp po)
7歩 (naná ho)
8歩 (háp po)
9歩 (kyúu ho)
10歩 (júp po)

Bigger numbers
11歩 (juú íp po)
25歩 (ní juu gó ho)
100歩 (hyáp po)
1,000歩 (sén po)
10,000歩 (ichí máń pó)

(máinichi goséńpó íjou arúkímásu)
: (I) walk more than 5,000 steps every day. 
...毎日(mái nichi): every day
...以上(í jou): more than~
...歩きます(arú kí má su): polite form of 歩く(arú ku): to walk

(ippó zútsu de íi. s(u)súmú kótó ga taísétsú nánda)
: One step at a time is good enough. Moving forward is important. 
...〜ずつ(zú tsu): one ~ at a time, ~ each 
...〜でいい(de í i): ~ is good enough
...進む(s(u)sú mú): to move forward
...[verb]こと(ko tó): ~ing 
...大切(taí sétsú): important
...[noun]なんだ(nánda): ending word for an emphasis, often for things you just realised/ to make someone realise 



Travel Phrases at a restaurant Part 2

Voice Pitch in Japanese

Travel Phrases ~at a restaurant~ Part 1